About The Training Manual

This training manual provides training materials to support facilitators to deliver a 5-day training on how to provide first line support and clinical care to survivors of sexual violence and intimate partner violence – including women, girls, men and boys. The manual also includes training on how to prepare the health facility to provide care.


Intended Audience

The target audience for this training manual is health care providers – including doctors, nurses, midwives, and community health workers who will provide clinical care and treatment to survivors of sexual violence and intimate partner violence. The intended audience in health care providers working in humanitarian emergencies, conflict and displacement, or in low- and middle income countries.

The audience may also include health managers who train and supervise health care providers, and coordinate and manage health services – particularly Module 2 Understanding the legal and policy context and Module 10 Preparing the health facility. The audience may include all clinic staff and case workers who may interact with survivors – specifically for Modules 1 What every clinic worker needs to know about gender-based violence and Module 3 First line support and LIVES. Case workers who provide may also attend other modules to learn how to provide information about and referral to clinical care, and to improve collaboration with health care providers. 

Ideally, this training should be delivered in a group setting to 20 to 30 different types of health-care providers to allow for time for discussions, participation, and interaction. It is helpful to have some health care providers from the same health facilities, to share challenges and develop an action plan to return to their health facility. It is also helpful to have health care providers from different facilities to share successes and best practices in their facilities.

The facilitator manual is available for facilitators to prepare for training and for programme managers to know what to expect when organizing and preparing for training. The online facilitator manual is not a replacement for training, and is not designed to be used as an e-learning or online training resource.