Session 5: Documentation

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  • Know how to document in a safe, confidential manner.
  • Explain the importance of correct documentation.
  • Understand how to correctly fill out the medical exam form.


Facilitator guide


NOTE for something.


The videos include a fictional story of rape or intimate partner violence that may be distressing, difficult or even re-traumatizing for some viewers to watch and listen to. This video is for educational purposes to show participants how to conduct a history and interview about an incident of rape or intimate partner violence.

5. Documentation guidelines

Video by International Rescue Committee and UCLA – Center for International Medicine. 
Please see for the complete clinical care for sexual assault survivors (CCSAS) multimedia tool.

Video by International Rescue Committee and UCLA – Center for International Medicine. 
Please see for the complete clinical care for sexual assault survivors (CCSAS) multimedia tool.

Participant handouts

Key messages

  • Document the description of the incident in a clear, objective, non-judgmental way
  • Document injuries clearly, precisely and systematically
  • Documentation must be safely, securely stored

Required supplies & materials

  • Projector, Laptop
  • Pen and blank paper workbook for each participant
  • Printouts of sample medical history and examination forms and pictograms for the activity

Further resources for facilitators (Optional)

  • WHO (2020) Clinical management of rape and intimate partner violence survivors Developing protocols for use in humanitarian settings, pg 20-21