Session 10: Preparing Your Health Facility

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  • Demonstrate knowledge on how to ensure the health facility is ready to provide care to survivors
  • Gain the knowledge and skills to prepare the health facility and set up a consultation room
  • Map out current patient flow and response to sexual assault survivors and identify areas for improvement within the health facility
  • Describe what referral resources are needed for sexual assault survivors, determine what resources are currently missing in your network and develop a plan for filling gaps and improving communication between the various organizations.


Facilitator guide


Participant handouts

Key messages

  • Prepare your health facility

    • Entry point, care pathway, consultation room
    • Medications, supplies, equipment, documentation, protocols
    • Trained staff

  • Identify support services, create a referral directory, coordinate between support services to meet survivors’ multiple needs and offer referral to survivors

Required supplies & materials 

  • Laptop, projector
  • Pen and blank paper workbook for each participant
  • Ball of string or wool
  • Flip charts and markers
  • Space large enough for participants to form a circle
  • Print outs of activities – depending on which activities you choose

Further resources for facilitators (Optional)

  • WHO (2017) Strengthening health systems to respond to women subjected to violence. A manual for health managers (pg 87-90)