Introduction session for participants

Embarking on the Journey- Introduction Session

Session Objectives:

By the end of the session participants will have,

Material Needed

Key Messages

We are glad you have volunteered to participate, and we look forward to starting this journey together.

Everyone in the group is encouraged to fully participate in the group and has agreed to attend each session.

Participation in the group require a commitment to not use violence in or out of the home while participating in this group.  Everyone in the group has made that commitment.

Activity 1

Welcome and introduction of the program. (30 minutes)

1. Welcome the participants and thank them for volunteering to participate in the journey to non-violence and survivor support.

2. Ask participants to introduce themselves to the person to their right including their name, where they are from originally, and to share at least one reason why they decided to participate in the journey to non-violence.

3. Bring everyone back together and ask each participant to introduce themselves and share one reason why they decided to participate in the group.

4. Ask the group what do they think of or picture in their minds when they hear a journey to non-violence? Facilitator can write the answers down on a flipchart

Activity 2

Overview of the program. (20 minutes)

1. Ask participants to share what they remember about the selection process and the agreements. Share an overview of the next 12 weeks as the beginning of a journey of change. A journey we will all be taking together to support peace and safety in our homes and communities.

2. This journey about men will explore ideas related to power, gender, sexuality, the impact violence has on women and girls, and ways that men can support women and girls that have suffered violence.

3. Emphasize that participants have volunteered and that it is up to each of them how far in their own journey they go over the next 12 weeks. This is not ‘school’ and the facilitator is not a ‘teacher’ or ‘trainer.’ Explain there are three different parts to the discussion groups.
1) Power and Accountability
2)Understanding Violence Against Women and Girls
3) Safe and Supportive Homes and Communities

4. Each 90-minute session is an opportunity for men to listen, share, challenge each other and learn from each other. Share that if needed we can repeat sessions if participants or facilitator feels that more discussion on the topic is needed.

5. Emphasize that everyone participating in the program has agreed to not use violence of any type during the time they are participating in the group

6. Explain that together as a group we will agree to ‘group agreements’ as a way to ensure the group space is a respectful, participatory space, where participants are challenged to think critically about ideas they have about power, violence, human rights, and violence.

7. Ask the participants if they have any questions about the intervention so far.

Activity 3

Facilitated Discussion: Group Agreements (30 minutes).

Hang up the flipchart that has these 5 group agreements already written
  1. Step up, Step back: This agreement is about participating and making sure other members have a chance to participate as well. Step up when you have something to say but be aware of leaving room for other participants and step back to make sure other people can talk.

  2. Active Listening: phones are away and on silent or vibrate and you listen to other participants in the same way you want them to listen to you.

  3.  Constructively challenge each other: An important part of learning is being challenged. The men in this group agree to speak up in a respectful way if they disagree with something that is being said.

  4.  Do not share or talk about anything that participants share in the group outside of the group.

  5.  Be Brave: Many people think that being brave means not talking about emotions or challenges or what they are struggling with inside. In this group, being brave means the opposite. Participants are encouraged to be brave by asking questions, sharing what they are thinking or feeling and trying new things.
  1. . Ask participants what other group agreements they think should be added. Encourage the group to prioritize group agreements that help create an open and supportive space. Typically, groups have between 7-9 group agreements.

  2.  Ask the participants: does everyone commit to these group agreements? Thank the participants for active participation in establishing the group agreements and their commitment to follow them. Share that this will be part of each meeting.
Activity 4

Closing / debrief (10 minutes).

  1. Ask each man to share one specific thing they hope to accomplish by participating in this group. They can say something as simple as learn about power or think about how to make my home more peaceful.  Facilitator will write these on a flipchart that should be kept for future use.   
  2. Wrap up by summarizing the session an emphasizing the key point.
  3. Ask participants as preparation for the next session, to start thinking about  
  • What does power look like to them?
  • What are different ways they’ve seen people use power.?

Thank the participants for their active participation and for starting the journey and remind them when and where the next session will take place