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Sahel (Mali and Burkina Faso)

NCA Sahel operates in Mali and Burkina Faso. Most regions of Mali, and particularly the North are characterised by insecurity, and are vulnerable to attacks by non-state armed groups. In 2012, the northern regions of Gao, Timbuktu and Kidal were claimed by armed opposition groups and jihadist militias.

With two state coups since 2020, Mali now has a military government failing to provide basic social services in conflict-affected areas. Human rights violations have increased, and more than 400,000 Malians are currently displaced.

Negative impacts of climate change have further contributed to the displacement of an already vulnerable population. Limited involvement of youth in decision-making processes and a paucity of economic opportunities means young people are particularly vulnerable to manipulation by extremist groups. Amid these conflicts, civic space is rapidly shrinking, and civil society organisations (CSOs) are weakened and fail to fulfil their role. Twenty-eight per cent of the population does not have safe drinking water, and only thirty per cent of people in Mali have access to basic and secure sanitation services. Gender-based violence (GBV) is a serious issue in in the country, and women survivors lack access to life-saving services.

In Burkina Faso, ongoing conflict between armed groups and government forces has displaced over 2 million people. Violence, especially in northern and eastern areas, has disrupted livelihoods, education, and healthcare. Food insecurity is widespread, due to droughts, floods, and conflict. Access to basic services, including clean water and medical care, is limited. Humanitarian aid efforts are often hindered by insecurity, making it difficult to reach those in need, but also by the fact that almost 1,5 million people live under blockade.

Norwegian Church Aid in Sahel (Mali and Burkina Faso)

Presence established in


in Mali

Presence established in


in Burkina Faso

We have been present in Mali since 1984, and in Burkina Faso since 2020. Both countries struggle with a number of development challenges, which have been exacerbated by the current security-crisis in the region. With over three decades of experience on the ground, NCA is well-known among authorities in northern Mali and considered a reliable and neutral actor. Over the past few years, NCA has contributed to the successful implementation of safe water supply for Malians and has mobilized youth to raise awareness about and prevent GBV and promote family planning and reproductive health rights. For NCA, partnering with civil society actors is its primary approach to fulfilling its mandate to strengthen civil society. Since its establishment in Mali, NCA has built strong networks and partnerships with a wide range of civil society organizations and religious actors. Together with these partners, NCA is well-placed to drive change and mobilize local stakeholders. In Burkina Faso, NCA has an ongoing humanitarian intervention.

Mann som river opp tørr jord.

NCA in Sahel contributes to increased access to WASH and GBV services for the most vulnerable, as well as an empowered civil society in the fields of governance and conflict resolution. Together with civil society organisations and other partners, NCA implements long-term development and humanitarian programmes in:

  • Gender-based Violence (GBV)
  • Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH)
  • Climate Resilient Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (CRWASH)
  • Peacebuilding

Humanitarian response and long-term development

Our work – both in terms of humanitarian response and long-term development – contributes to the successful implementation of safe water supplies and mobilizes communities to combat GBV and promote family planning and reproductive health rights. Our Peace Programme strengthens local peace-structures and works to include women and youth in the peace-processes. All our work is done through partnering with local, legitimate civil society actors, to ensure a localized approach.

Where we work

We have implemented our long-term programmes and respond to humanitarian emergencies in the following regions in:

Mali: Kidal, Menaka, Gao, Mopti, and surroundings of Bamako.

Burkina Faso: Cascades, East region and Boucle de Mouhoun.

  • SOLISA: Solidarity for the Sahel
  • ASSADDEC: Sahelian Association for Support to Decentralized Development
  • TASSAGHT: (means "links" in Tamasheq language)
  • GREFFA: Research, Study and Training Group Women Action
  • GARI: Intadeyne Rural Craftsmen Group
  • AMSS: Malian Association for Survival in the Sahel
  • AJCAD: Youth Association for Active Citizenship and Democracy
  • HED TAMAT: Human Environment Development
  • SOS JD: SOS Youth & Challenge
  • IPBF: Initiative Pananetugri pour le Bien-être de la Femme

Read more about Sahel

Høyere oppløsning, Vannstasjon, i region Est i Burkina Faso.JPG

Norway’s new strategy for the Sahel: concrete support for local actors is crucial to success

Høyere oppløsning, Vannstasjon, i region Est i Burkina Faso.JPG

Norway’s new strategy for the Sahel: concrete support for local actors is crucial to success

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The water that unites people in need

Important documents