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Learn more about the place where we will pilot our innovation

The first users of the new digital “meeting place” will be the participants to NCA’s project “Championing Interfaith Approaches for Women and Youth Empowerment for Peaceful Coexistence along the Swahili Coast of Tanzania”. in the island of Pemba, Tanzania.

The project is projected to touch around 10.000 persons along the coast of Tanzania including:

  • 3000 women and youth who have access to and are actively seizing available economic opportunities.
  • 300 religious leaders trained on conflicts management skills.
  • 1000 women and youth benefiting from public policies and programs.
  • 6000 women and adolescents reached with information about comprehensive sexuality education.

To be able to tackle the specific expectations of these participants, NCA carried out a needs assessment.

This exercise sheds light on their perception of NCA’s current communication with communities, the elements that they appreciate and what they would like to improve, and the preferred communication channels that our participants would prefer to use.

ikon for person

Contact us

Fernando Pineda

Project manager
Tel: +47 9342472
E-post:  fepi@nca.no

This project is in collaboration with Innovation Norway