2.2 # de communautés ayant mis en place un mécanisme fonctionnel de gestion des risques de catastrophe 


The indicator will assess the community’s risk mitigation measure that will increase resilience. 
To increase resilience the program will use a methodology called DRR (Disaster Risk Reduction) to prepare communities for the impact of climate change. This approach covers all parts of a DRM project cycle (Disaster Risk Management) meaning that the program will cover the following fields: preparedness, response, recovery, rehabilitation and risk mitigation. 
Under the risk mitigation component is where most of the activities will take place in order to proactively avoid any negative impact of climate change and extreme weather events on people’s production, income and safety– i.e. resilience building. A set of predefined activities is reducing the risk of disaster. 


Baseline, annually, endline.

Source de Données

Focus group discussions, Key informant interviews 

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DRR structures are needed to become a pro-active community and is the basis for being able to respond to climate changes. These interventions are standards for the indicator, what is necessary and a minimum requirement will differ from situation and context.  
The set of interventions is will tested and practical examples exist in six NCA countries. 

  • Vulnerability and risk mapping have been conducted 
  • Community task forces have taken concrete steps to prepare for climate events. 
  • Community level contingency plans are operational 
  • Task forces are mandated to implement risk mitigation measures  
  • Women have senior positions in community task forces 

Sustainable land management plans developed at community level 

Water source is protected 

Communities and faith institutes are electrified using renewable energy sources (might also include green camp management) 

Applying standards for structural interventions (infrastructure, including houses are upgraded and climate resilient) 

Please use the following SDGs: 2 ,11,13 and 15 for inspiration. The ambition is that the program can easily feed into the Development goals.  


Possible output indicators: on vulnerability and risk mapping, organizing communities in task forces, drought and flood prone seed varieties, flood and drought tolerant seed and crop storage, protection of water source, recharging and water table monitoringnatural resource management etc.  

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