Consultancy to Develop Toolkit for Faith actors work to end GBV

Norwegian Church Aid invites you to submit a proposal to develop toolkit for faith actors work to end GBV.

The Service is required for developing a Toolkit for Faith Actors work to end GBV, an intervention supported by MFA. Please find enclosed the following documents which constitute the Request for Proposal:

A – Instructions

B –Draft Contract

      Annex 1: Terms of Reference

      Annex 2:    Organisation and Methodology Form (to be completed by the Candidate))

      Annex 3:    Proposal Submission Form (to be completed by the Candidate)

      Annex 4:    General Terms and Conditions for Service Contracts

      Annex 5:    Code of Conduct for Contractors

      Annex 6:     NCA’s Global Programme on GBV (relevant abstracts)

      Annex 7:    Abstract NCA Global Programme GBV

Consultancy- Toolkit for Faith Actors work to end GBV.docx (Word)

Terms of Reference- Toolkit for Faith Actors work to end GBV.docx (Word)

Annex 6 Abstract NCA Global Programme GBV Empowerment.docx (Word)

Annex 7 Abstract Faith toolkit on norms and GBV.docx (Word)

Date of issue:


RFP no.:


Contract title:

Toolkit for Faith actors work to end GBV

Closing date:

28.06.20 @24:00 GMT

Contracting Authority:


Norwegian Church Aid


Contact person: Bernhard Skarpeid

Tel: +47 908 555 39


Please note that the Proposals must be delivered to the Contracting Authority by e-mail to