Suggested household survey questions …
… and notes:
I’d like to talk to you about your households drinking water needs:
This is the section of the HH survey / KAP where we ask about drinking water needs. Not all questions about drinking water needs are included in this guidance note, only those required to answer the indictor.
For the next XX questions, please think about how water was collected and managed in the last week:
1. What is your household’s main source of drinking water (select one from the following list):
a. tap(s) on premises
b. common or shared tube well or borehole
c. common or shared protected shallow well
d. harvested rainwater
e. piped water/public tap
f. common or shared protected spring
g. surface water source (river, stream, pond, puddles, unprotected spring)
h. unprotected/ open shallow well
i. cart with small tank/drum
j. tanker-truck
k. don’t know
l. other: ……………………………
The list should be contextualized to make sense.
The survey manager should know before the survey if there are multiple boreholes, shallow wells, public taps or protected springs. If this is the case, the list should number specific sources so household data can be correlated with observational data. A map may be useful for this.
In locations where a) is selected, a WASH technician should make a technical observation and take measurements at the water distribution point to ensure water quality.
2. Does someone from your household have to collect the water?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Don’t know
Probe – does whoever collects the water have to walk, bike, travel some distance, even a short one, to collect the water?
3. On their most recent trip, how long did it take them, including the time they had to queue?
a. Less than 30 mins
b. More than 30 mins
c. Don’t know
For the next XX questions, please think about how water is collected in the dry / wet season:
Select the season that it is not now, i.e. if it is now the dry season, ask about how water is collected in the wet season.
4. In this season, what is your household’s main source of drinking water (select one from the following list):
a. tap(s) on premises
b. common or shared tube well or borehole
c. common or shared protected shallow well
d. harvested rainwater
e. piped water/public tap
f. common or shared protected spring
g. surface water source (river, stream, pond, puddles, unprotected spring)
h. unprotected/ open shallow well
i. cart with small tank/drum
j. tanker-truck
k. don’t know
l. other: ……………………………
The list should be contextualized to make sense.
The survey manager should know before the survey if there are multiple boreholes, shallow wells, public taps or protected springs. If this is the case, the list should number specific sources so household data can be correlated with observational data. A map may be useful for this.
5. Does someone from your household have to collect the water?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Don’t know
Probe – does whoever collects the water have to walk, bike, travel some distance, even a short one, to collect the water?
6. On their most recent trip, how long did it take them?
a. Less than 30 mins
b. More than 30 mins
c. Don’t know