Gender-based Violence

2.1 Number of survivors who accessed quality and specialized life-saving GBV services


NCA should measure both how many access our services, in addition to measuring quality and safety of services. These are good measures in regards of improving service delivery. 



The indicator must be reported at a minimum bi-annually, however, it is a continuous measure throughout the year.

The humanitarian programmes receiving funding through the NCA-MFA framework agreement will have to report in the online reporting system monthly.

Data Source

Records from Women and Girls Safe Spaces (WGSS) and referral centres;  sample  surveys of users.

How to Collect

Records of women, girls, men and boys users of support services- WGSS and referral centres- should be regularly maintained. Where possible, tablets or smart phones should be used to collect real-time data. However, to protect user identity and comply with GDPR guidelines, sensitive personal data should never be collected or shared. A coding system should be applied to protect the anonymity of service users and should be applied for all client records. Records should include intake form, follow-up session form/case plan, and case closure[MTMB1] form.

Periodic sample surveys of service users should be conducted to assess the “quality” of services used.

How to analyse

The number of women, girls, men, and boys who have accessed services supported by the program should be recorded and presented.

For service quality surveys, those who provided a response of 4 or above on levels of safety and satisfaction should be presented as % of survey sample.

Data which relates to suggestions by respondents for how to improve services should be collated and discussed by the project/program management team as soon as possible and an action plan developed and implemented. Where possible and safe, feedback on response to suggestions should be provided.

Dissagregate data by

Gender Age Wealth Diversity Not applicable

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