Gender-based Violence


Compulsory indicators

Sub-goal 1: Dominant norms transformed to protect girls and women from violence and harmful practices

1.1 % of target population who support zero tolerance to violence and harmful practices
1.2 Number of women, girls, men and boys reached through community conversations and dialogues

Sub-goal 2: Women and girls at risk of violence and survivors' access life-saving and specialised GBV services.

2.1 Number of survivors who accessed quality and specialized life-saving GBV services

Sub-goal 3: Empowered women and adolescent girls lead, build self-esteem and realise their rights

3.1 % of women and girls in target locations who report a positive change in their social standing

Sub-goal 4: Maternal mortality is reduced among women and adolescent girls

4.1 maternal mortality ratio (per 100 000 live births) in targeted areas
4.2 % of maternal deaths among adolescents in targeted areas

Sub-goal 5: Women and adolescents access comprehensive sexuality education and modern family planning

5.1 # of women who accessed comprehensive sexuality education and modern family planning

Recommended indicators