
3.2 # of conflicts addressed by the peace structure


This indicator measures the effectiveness of a peace structure. It must be combined with indicator 3.1: peace structures that reportedly transform conflicts but are perceived as unfair in their assessments or exclusionary do not contribute to desired goal. Similarly, a peace structure that is inclusive but ineffective does not reduce the violence in a community.


Twice a year

Data Source

Peace structures logs, records

How to Collect

All peace structures should keep a log with some basic information (e.g. brief description of the conflict, date, who participated in addressing it, etc.).

How to analyse

It would be necessary to contextualise the reported results in narrative form, emphasising the type of conflicts that are being address, what is understood by “addressed” in the particular case and why the results are important.

For performance monitoring, the data is to be analysed by NCA and together with the partner(s) in a reflective session workshop format, if possible. Performance in one area or by one partners should be compared with performance in another area/by a peace structured supported by a different partner(s). The following are some key questions to consider: “Is the number too high-too low?”, “Are similar structures in similar or comparable areas achieving similar or comparable results?”, “What factors help explain this progress – of lack thereof?”

Dissagregate data by

Gender Age Wealth Diversity Not applicable

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