

Compulsory indicators

Sub-goal 1: Promoting social cohesion and countering violence

1.1 Level (%) of constructive social interaction across groups
1.2 % of men acknowledging women's role in peacebuilding

Sub-goal 2: Safe reintegration of women and girls associated with violent extremism into society

2.1 # of women and girls at risk or previously associated with violent extremism provided with adequate comprehensive multi-sectoral support to facilitate their reintegration

Sub-goal 3: Peace structures prevent and transform conflict

3.1 % of people with a positive view on the peace structure
3.2 # of conflicts addressed by the peace structure

Sub-goal 4: Peace processes are inclusive


Sub-goal 5: Protect social action for peace

5.1 Level of influence on duty bearers, with the aim of addressing a conflict driver or increasing space for social action

5.2 Degree of protection of social action for peace as perceived by targeted civil society organizations

Recommended indicators