DCA/NCA Myanmar land another EU grant and 'walk the talk' of putting local actors first.
A couple of months ago, DCA/NCA made the bold decision to encourage one of our local partners: Gender Equality Network (GEN) to head a consortium with us and a British Council affiliate.
We submitted a proposal to strengthen women’s organisations in Myanmar with a strong emphasis on policy development, policy implementation and small grants, and capacity-building support to local civil society organisations.
Our proposal has now been approved, and our consortium has been awarded 2.2 million Euro for a three year project!
DCA/NCA’s role will mostly be on capacity-building of the consortium lead, particularly around grants management, organisational accountability and governance systems and local social accountability initiatives.
The DCA/NCA portion of the budget may be small, but we send a powerful message to civil society and donors in Myanmar that local organisations can lead, that INGOs do not always have to sit on most of the resources and that DCA/NCA takes our role as an enabler seriously.
Read more about gender-based violence and reproductive health here
NCA utilizes the gender based violence and reproductive health programmes in these countries:
Dominican Republic | Etiopia |
Guatemala | Congo |
Malawi | Mali |
Pakistan | Somalia |
Sudan | South-Sudan |
Zambia |