Successful training of South Sudanese Midwives

Two years ago we launched the idea of training South Sudanese midwives at the Haydom Lutheran Hospital in Tanzania. This idea has finally become a reality.

Japet trains on Helping Babies Breathe.
Japet trains on Helping Babies Breathe.

With the help of Laerdal Global Health in Stavanger, NCA last week was able to train South Sudanese midwives and students from Wau and Torit in maternal and newborn health together with the very experienced staff at Haydom Lutheran Hopsital.

This was a hands-on training that used the mannequins that were named Mama Natalie, Neo Natalie and Sister U. These were developed by Laerdal to demonstrate the essential skills you need to help mothers survive bleeding after birth and to help babies breathe after birth.

The doctors and midwives at Haydom had developed a seven day program where the 10 participants form South Sudan learned everything from how to insert IUDs, retained placenta management, stop bleeding after birth, mastering skills of newborn resuscitation, newborn care after birth and Respectful Maternal Care.

Susan training on inserting IUD on Sister U.
Susan training on inserting IUD on Sister U.

The midwives from South Sudan were very dedicated and eager students. They clearly saw the benefits of the training and will hopefully be able to save many more lives after the training.

Back in South Sudan they will have a follow-up plan managed by NCA Juba and the head office to secure that they keep the skills and the procedures they have learned.

We were happy that Laerdal Global Health was able to join us in this training and share their experience as one of the biggest global innovators when it comes to mother and child health.

It was also great for Haydom to be able to host this training and we saw the real benefits of a collaboration where Haydom staff could teach their colleagues from South Sudan in a professional manner. We will now develop this training further so that Haydom can offer this training to other health professional in the East Africa Region.

Summed up, this was a perfect collaboration between NCA in South Sudan, Haydom in Tanzania, the NCA head office and Laerdal Global Health. A collaboration we want to enhance further!

Simulating birth with the help of Mama Natalie.
Simulating birth with the help of Mama Natalie.



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Gender-based violence and reproductive health

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NCA utilizes the gender based violence and reproductive health programmes in these countries:

Dominican Republic Etiopia
Guatemala Congo
Malawi Mali
Pakistan Somalia
Sudan South-Sudan