Country Programme Brief 2020-2024
Norwegian Church Aid Ethiopia
Norwegian Church Aid has been present in Ethiopia since 1974 on long-term development and emergency response. In Ethiopia, Norwegian Church Aid has a long-standing partnership with faith-based organizations resource-based partners that have local rootedness. Today, Norwegian Church Aid is working in eight regions and one city administration—delivering humanitarian assistance to communities in Ethiopia on Climate Resilient Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene; Gender-Based Violence; Faith-Based Climate Action/Climate Smart Economic Empowerment; Peacebuilding; and Humanitarian Emergency Response.
Norwegian Church Aid Ethiopia
Norwegian Church Aid Ethiopia implements its programmes together with local partners, both faith-based and resource/value-based organisations, and in close cooperation with government structures. We build and maintain thes...
Where We Work Map – Thematic Distribution
Norwegian Church Aid Ethiopia
Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene has a multiplier effect on achieving all development goals. Without access to safe water, proper sanitation, and hygiene practices, people cannot take the first step out of poverty.
The participation of communities to influence decision-making about climate action takes center-stage in our work.
Norwegian Church Aid’s gender-based violence/sexual reproductive health programme emphasizes on the empowerment of women and girls so that they enjoy lives free from gender-based violence.
The Peacebuilding programme aims to contribute to sustainable peace and reconciliation in the country.
Where Norwegian Church Aid Ethiopia responds to humanitarian emergencies, it seeks to save lives and restore the dignity of people who are internally displaced, refugees, and communities in the face of natural disasters, such as drought.
Norwegian Church Aid Ethiopia implements its programmes together with local partners, both faith-based and resource/value-based organisations, and in close cooperation with government structures. We build and maintain these relationships at the...
Where We Work Map – Thematic Distribution