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When Five Goats Translate into Economic Transformation

Madalitso Ackim, standing tall in Chimatilo Village in Mchinji, has emerged as a symbol of agricultural success, elevating his status through proper management and the diversified benefits derived from goat farming.

Dorcas house

Dorcas House: Women Empowerment Program in Bukavu

In 2023, DORCAS HOUSE continued to benefit from financial support from NCA in the DRC. The structure has operate under the supervision of the board of directors of the Panzi Foundation. Maison DORCAS remained coordinated through five departments, each...

Fighting Harmful Practices against Women

In Kalehe Territory, women face significant challenges, especially concerning their fundamental rights and safety. Discriminatory cultural and socio-economic practices make them vulnerable to gender-based violence (GBV). In response to this reality, NC...

Climate project has taken 600 young people out of unemployment

Everything about Morogoro in Tanzania is beautiful. The landscape with the towering mountains, the colour palette of bright blue sky against green plains and the Maasai, who walk straight-backed with their cattle as if time has stood still. The whole...

Helping the most vulnerable

Dnipro is an industrial city with around one million inhabitants in eastern Ukraine. Families with children, the sick and the elderly have sought refuge here from the ravages of war elsewhere in the country.

The water made the music dream sprout

Ali Bou (26) needed to earn money so he could pursue a master's degree in music, but there weren't enough odd jobs after the financial crisis. When water came to the village, he invested everything in a greenhouse. Now he's a trained musician and...

The influencers in Angola

On paper, Angola is a democratic republic where basic human rights and freedoms must be respected. In reality, power and money are concentrated around a small elite in the capital and the people's opportunities to influence are small. However, many...