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Photo: Norwegian Church Aid.

Aid under Pressure

Norwegian Church Aid has been advocating for the primary objective of aid being poverty alleviation. In this report, we shed light on the ways in which new global challenges and concerns are increasingly being financed by the aid budget.

Little Reem is playing with her mother outside the new house they have received from Norwegian Church Aid in the Otash camp in Sudan

A new life behind safe walls

Over the past two years, Norwegian Church Aid has distributed 1,200 houses to people fleeing the Otash camp in Darfur, Sudan. One of these houses belongs to five year old Reem and her mother.


#Breakthebias message addresses role of media in gender equality

At the invitation of the World Council of Churches and the World Association for Christian Communication, the NCA Secretary General, Dagfinn Høybråten, participated in a round table discussion addressing the role of media in a world striving for gender...

Main photo: Sergey Dolzhenko/EPA/NTB.

NCA with vital aid to Ukraine

We are in the process of providing emergency aid to those affected by the war in Ukraine. More than 2 million people have fled Ukraine, and the need for humanitarian aid is enormous.

Tiya in Dama, Malawi

A tough future for Tiya

In the village of Dama in Malawi, Tiyankhulenji Richard just wants to go to school, but her family needs her to take care of the household. NCA is now working to build a well and preschool in Dama to help make life a little easier.


Millions on the brink of famine

In November 2021, the Somali Government declared a state of emergency and since then, the acute food shortage has affected hundreds of thousands more. NCA is now up-scaling efforts to bring clean and safe water to the hardest-hit areas.

Benedicte in Syria

Increasing our work in Syria

After ten years of a war that is not over yet, Syria is in ruins. 6.7 million people are on the run in their own country, and 13.4 million are dependent on humanitarian aid to survive. NCA recently opened a own office and we are working to upscale our...

Happy women in Sudan

50 years in Sudan

At the moment, 1/3 of Sudan`s population are estimated to need humanitarian assistance in 2022. Our NCA colleagues there are impressively able to continue working and delivering much needed aid in a challenging and complex contex

Floods after the storm Ana in Malawi. ​

Major floods in Malawi

NCA is already on the ground handing out tents to those that lost family members, houses and crops after storm Ana hit Malawi on Monday last week.