NCA provides emergency WASH relief to 10,000 refugees

Today on World Water Day, we want to focus on NCA’s emergency WASH relief to refugees of the Boko Haram crisis in Cameroon.

From February until July 2017, NCA will supporting our ACT Alliance partner, Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in providing WASH services to 10,000 beneficiaries in the Minawao Refugee Camp in the Far North Region, Cameroon.

During the month of January, all preparations and provisions were made with LWF and the UNHCR for the reception of the 2 WASH Kits from NCA.

NCA will initiate the construction of 200 latrines, the distribution of 2000 hygiene kits and, especially, train and mentor NCA’s partner’s staff in the operation and maintenance of the technical equipment, such as the Water Treatment Units.

The equipment arrived in Maroua from Douala on Saturday February 25th, after being on the road for 3 days and travelling 1,600 km. An initial assessment was done for the implementation of the 2 WASH kit’s at the Minawao Refugee Camp.

10,000 refugees from Nigeria will now benefit from improved access to safe and sufficient (15l per person per day) water for an initial period of 4 months (the rest of the dry season).

In addition, 200 emergency latrines will be built within the next weeks and hygiene kits for 10,000 people will be distributed, which will allow refugees to better protect themselves against waterborne diseases that are present in the areas, such as cholera.



Read more about our work with WASH here

NCA utilizes the WASH programme in these countries:

Afghanistan Tanzania
Dominican Republic Etiopia
Haiti Northern-Iraq
Pakistan Somalia
Sudan Syria
