Procurement Manual

Recommended E-Learning courses:

On Disaster Ready

  • “Preventing Corruption in Humanitarian Aid” available in English, French, Arabic and Spanish
  • “Partner Capacity Enhancement in Logistics (PARCEL)” in English, French and Spanish


See also NCA Procurement Manual Chapter 12.2. Logistics Training Opportunities

Donor Guidelines

DG ECHO Partners Help Desk

Norad MFA NGO Part III Procurement Provisions Reg. I & II

Norad MFA Addendum 13 - Part III Procurement Provisions

UNHCR Implementing Partnership Management Guidance Note No. 4

GIZ Agreements

You can also find the Procurement Manual in French

Procurement Manual

NCA Procurement Manual 3rd Edition v3 Dec 2022

UNHCR Procurement Addendum Feb 2020

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

General Annexes

GEN 1-1 Guide to Complete Annexes May 2016.docx
GEN 1-2 Guidance Letter to Suppliers May 2016.docx
GEN 2-1 Declaration of Impartiality and Confidentiality Nov 2022.docx
GEN 2-2 TOR Procurement Committee Nov 2022.docx
GEN 2-3 Procurement Authorisation Schedule Sep 2019.xlsx
GEN 3 Contractor Registration Form Jan 2019.docx
GEN 4-1 Code of Conduct for Contractors June 2023.docx
GEN 5 Logistics Capacity Assessment Oct 2019.docx
GEN 6 Market Survey Form Jan 2019.docx
GEN 7-2 Template for a Procurement Plan Sample Nov 2021.xlsx
GEN 7-3 Sample Purchase Request Template Aug 2016.xlsx
GEN 7-4 Request for Derogation Template Oct 2020.docx
GEN 8 Advertisement of Business Opportunities Jan 2019.docx
GEN 9-1 Timetables for Procurement Procedures Jun 2016.docx
GEN 9-2 Procurement Tracker and Supplier Database.xlsx
GEN 9-3 Sample of Distribution Schedule Jun 2016.docx
GEN 9-4 Sample of an Overall Workplan Jun 2016.docx
GEN 10-1 Template for Prepayment Guarantee Jun 2016.docx
GEN 10-2 Template for Tender Guarantee Jun 2016.docx
GEN 10-3 Template for Performance Guarantee Jun 2016.docx
GEN 11 Tender Notice Jun 2016.docx
GEN 12 Template Local Open Tender Work Plan and Timetable Jun 2016.docx
GEN 13 List of Suppliers Candidates and Tender Receipt Form Jun 2016.docx
GEN 14 Questions and Answers Jun 2016.docx
GEN 15-1 Tender Opening Checklist Jun 2016.docx
GEN 15-2 List of Participants Jun 2016.docx
GEN 15-3 Tender Opening Form Jun 2016.docx
GEN 15-4 Evaluation Report for Open Tenders Jun 2016.docx
GEN 15-5 Evaluation Grid Price Comparrison Template Aug 2016 xlsx
GEN 16 Letter of Acceptance Jun 2016.docx
GEN 17 Award Notice Jun 2016.docx
GEN 18 Procurement Documentation Template Jun 2016.xlsx
GEN 18-1 Sample of Procurement Documentation Template Jun 2016.xlsx
GEN 18-2 Index General Procurement File Jan 2019.docx
GEN 18-3 Index Simple Procedure Procurement File May 2021.docx
GEN 18-4 Index Negotiated Procedure Procurement File May 2021.docx
GEN 18-5 Index Open Tender Procurement File May 2021.docx
GEN 18-6 Procurement Protocol Template Jun 2024.docx

Supply Annexes

SUP 1 Simple Procedure Quotation Form Jan 2019.docx
SUP 2 RFQ Supplies Dec 2020.docx
SUP 2-1 RFQ for Framework Contract Dec 2020.docx
SUP 3 Tender Dossier Jul 2021.docx
SUP 4 Evaluation Grid Negotiated Sep 2019.docx
SUP 5 Evaluation Grid Open Tender Sep 2019.docx
SUP 6 Purchase Order - Contract Jun 2023.docx
SUP 7 Framework Contract Jun 2023.docx
SUP 8 Letter to Unsuccessful Suppliers Aug 2016.docx
SUP 9 Guidelines on Transport and Storage Aug 2016.docx
SUP 10-1 Template for Transport Booking Air Freight Aug 2016.docx
SUP 10-2 Template for Transport Booking Sea Freight Aug 2016.docx
SUP 11-1 Step Guide to Procurement of Medicine Jan 2018.docx
SUP 11-2 Step Guide to Procurement of Medical Devises Jan 2018.docx
SUP 11-3 Advertisement Business Opp Med Devices Jan 2019.docx
SUP 12 GTC Supply Jan 2018.docx

Service Annexes

SER 1 RFP for Engineering Services Jun 2023.docx
SER 2 Request for Proposal Jun 2024.docx
SER 2-1 RFP for Framework Agreement Jun 2024.docx
SER 3 Evaluation Grid Negotiated Procedure Sep 2019.docx
SER 4 Service Contract Jun 2024.docx
SER 4-1 Service Framework Agreement Jun 2024.docx
SER 5 Letter to Unsuccessful Candidates Jan 2017.docx
SER 6 Tender Dossier Jun 2024.docx
SER 6-1 Tender Dossier for a Framework Agreement Jun 2024.docx
SER 7 Evaluation Grid Open Tender Sep 2019.docx
SER 8 GTC Service Contracts Jul 2021.pdf

Works Annexes

WOR 1 RFP Jun 2023.docx
WOR 2 Tender Dossier Jun 2023.docx
WOR 3 Contract Jun 2023.docx
WOR 4 Evaluation Grid and Report Sep 2019.docx
WOR 5 Letter to Unseccessful Candidates Jan 2017.docx
WOR 6 GTC Works Contract Jul 2021.pdf